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Should I Take Medication For My Mental Health Issues
According to the Canadian Community Health Survey, 1 in 3 Canadians experience some form of mental illness in their lifetime. These...
Can Too Many Options Lead To Decision Paralysis?
In a world brimming with options, making decisions should be easier, right? Well, not always. Enter the paradox of choice, where the...
What is The Cheerleader Effect?
Have you ever wondered why people often appear more attractive when pictured in a group? Whether at a café gathering, a birthday party,...
How Mirror Neurons Shape Our Empathy and Social Bonds
Have you ever seen yourself yawning after seeing someone else, even if you weren't tired? Or maybe you caught yourself crying during a...
How Marketers Use Psychology To Manipulate You
You're strolling through your favorite shopping app, just casually browsing, not really planning to buy anything. Suddenly, you spot an...
Cherophobia: The Paradox of Avoiding Happiness
In a world that seems to constantly promote the pursuit of happiness, it's difficult to imagine that some people might actually fear the...
How Does the Placebo Effect Work?
Imagine a world where simply believing in the effectiveness of a pill could cure your worst headaches, or where a doctor's confident...
How Do First Impressions Work?
Imagine walking into a room and, within seconds, everyone has formed an opinion about you. Sounds daunting, right? This is the power of...
Self Discovery After The Loss Of a Relationship
The end of an intimate relationship can be one of life's most emotionally difficult experiences. Losing a partner through death,...
Mental Health in South Asian Communities
Mental health is just as important as physical health, but in many South Asian cultures, there is stigma surrounding mental illness. This...
What is the Diderot Effect?
Have you ever bought a new sofa, only to find yourself replacing the coffee table, rug, and lamps to match the new centerpiece of your...
What Does Your Brain Feel When You Get Cheated On?
Have you ever been in a relationship where your trust was broken by infidelity? Infidelity is the act of being unfaithful or disloyal in...
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